Ecclesiastes and Song of Songs
Kregel Academic
Authors Jordan W. Jones and Christopher Pascarella demonstrate how Ecclesiastes and Song of Songs fit alongside other Old Testament wisdom literature. Ecclesiastes views echo the familiar biblical teaching on the eternality of God and the future judgment being a source of comfort in the face of stark realities acutely familiar to believers today. Song of Songs elevates the place of love and sexual intimacy in marriage relationships and prefiguring the analogy of the church as a spouse devoted to Jesus. Jones and Pascarella guide teachers and preachers to see how the holy disillusion of Ecclesiastes and the overflowing love in Song of Songs interact with other biblical teachings to present a coherent approach to life and love.
Based on the Big Idea preaching model, Kerux enhances the reader's ability to deliver a message that is biblical, cohesive, and dynamic.
Based on the Big Idea preaching model, Kerux enhances the reader's ability to deliver a message that is biblical, cohesive, and dynamic.