Trembling Faith: How a Distressed Prophet Helps Us Trust God in a Chaotic World
Trembling Faith: How a Distressed Prophet Helps Us Trust God in a Chaotic World

Trembling Faith: How a Distressed Prophet Helps Us Trust God in a Chaotic World

by Taylor Turkington

5 Rank Score: 5.02 from 1 reviews, 0 featured collections, and 0 user libraries
Pages 224
Publisher B&H Books
Published 2/28/2023
ISBN-13 9781087765846
At times, our chaotic world reveals hints of the utter brokenness in which we live, like a peek behind the veneer. Neighbors taking advantage of others, unjust verdicts, and unfair beginnings. As people of faith in a powerful God, we want to lift our faces to heaven to cry out or bury our face in our hands to whisper prayers. Either way we utter things like “God, please help,” “God, what are you doing?” “God, those people are terrible!”

And we aren’t alone in those words we lift to heaven.

In fact, our frustrating and exhausting experience with chaos, injustice, and corruption is much like that of the distressed prophet Habakkuk in the Old Testament. He said those very things. When we’re looking for answers or just additional words for our prayers, his book is for us. His story is a prayer session—a surprisingly relevant one—open for eavesdroppers. We follow his journey of wrestling with evil, and we hear from God how to live. Habakkuk doesn’t see “living by faith” as a cliché to be written on a pillow or bumper sticker, but a way to survive.

As you join Taylor Turkington (Bible teacher and former Director of TGC Women’s Training Network) through the timeless story of Habakkuk, you will look at the situation of your own heart and world, and here you will find some of the most powerful chapters of the Bible that both confront and console you. You will learn that the only way to not just survive, but find lasting hope is through gritty, trembling, wrestling faith in the God who works in our chaotic world.


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Turkington takes readers through the timeless story of Habakkuk. She looks at the original readers’ situation and shows how some of the most powerful chapters of the Bible confront, console, and encourage them to have a lasting hope and gritty faith. [Full Review]