Sex, Race, and the Sovereignty of God: Sweet and Bitter Providence in the Book of Ruth
Sex, Race, and the Sovereignty of God: Sweet and Bitter Providence in the Book of Ruth

Sex, Race, and the Sovereignty of God: Sweet and Bitter Providence in the Book of Ruth

by John Piper

5 Rank Score: 5.02 from 1 reviews, 0 featured collections, and 0 user libraries
Pages 160
Publisher Crossway
Published 8/23/2022
ISBN-13 9781433581786
The book of Ruth doesn’t shy away from addressing them all head on. Though it recounts events from 3,000 years ago, this ancient story of a poor widow seeking protection in a foreign land holds surprising relevance for Christians in the twenty-first century. In Sex, Race, and the Sovereignty of God (previously titled A Sweet and Bitter Providence), John Piper explores unchanging truths and inspiring hope in the life of Ruth.
  • Topical: Dives into cultural issues including biblical examples of manhood and womanhood, ethnic diversity and harmony, and God’s mysterious purposes in suffering
  • Understand God’s Providence in Ruth’s Story: Follows her mother-in-law Naomi’s anguish and loss, Ruth’s relationship with Boaz, and her family’s ultimate lineage to David
  • Study Key Biblical Themes: Explains the sovereignty of God, the sexual nature of humanity, the gospel of God’s mercy for the undeserving, and the glory of God’s grace


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Vintage Piper. This collection of sermons offers a contemporary entry point to the ancient narrative that issues in a deeper appreciation for God’s steadfast love.