Teaching James: From Text to Message
Teaching James: From Text to Message

Teaching James: From Text to Message

in Proclamation Trust


Pages 240
Publisher Christian Focus
Published 7/9/2021
ISBN-13 9781527105348
The letter of James is a much loved epistle in the New Testament. People warm to its seemingly practical nature as it instructs us in the nuts and bolts of the Christian life. However, it is not an easy letter to preach and teach. People struggle to see how the letter fits together and are confused about its overall theme and purpose. This is where Teaching James will prove to be of great assistance. Mervyn Eloff will guide you through the intricate detail of the letter whilst never losing sight of the overall theme and purpose of this dynamic Bible book. A book that is as potent and challenging today as it was when the dispersed Christians read it in the First Century.


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