Teaching 2 Peter & Jude: From Text to Message
Teaching 2 Peter & Jude: From Text to Message

Teaching 2 Peter & Jude: From Text to Message

in Proclamation Trust

by Angus MacLeay

Pages 240
Publisher Christian Focus
Published 7/3/2020
ISBN-13 9781527105638
The books of 2 Peter and Jude are some of the least preached in the New Testament. However, these dynamic little books have an important message to be declared to the church in the 21st century. The need to ‘contend for the faith’ is vital in a confusing church landscape of compromise, pragmatism and drift. These books are dense and brimming with truth and so our hope is that this book helps you see all that is contained within their pages.

Teaching 2 Peter and Jude is a great addition to the growing ‘Teaching the Bible’ series. It will be a great aid to those who have the privilege and joy of teaching or preaching these particular books. Whether you are a small group leader, preacher, youth worker or someone who simply want help with their personal Bible study, this book will help you to comprehend and communicate the messages of 2 Peter and Jude.


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