Teaching Leviticus: From Text to Message
Teaching Leviticus: From Text to Message

Teaching Leviticus: From Text to Message

in Proclamation Trust

by G. Geoffrey Harper

5 Rank Score: 5.02 from 1 reviews, 0 featured collections, and 0 user libraries
Pages 416
Publisher Christian Focus
Published 7/8/2022
ISBN-13 9781527108998
The book of Leviticus remains a mystery to many Christians, which is a great pity, for Leviticus is not only theologically rich, but also essential for grasping the full–orbed message of the gospel. The book’s central concern is clear: preparing people to live near Yahweh’s presence and survive the encounter; yet the message of Leviticus remains one of grace. It is God who desires to live with his people, and it is God who provides means and instructions to make such an arrangement possible.

Geoffrey Harper’s guide to this complex but crucial book will be helpful to small group leaders and preachers who want to teach Leviticus but are unsure where to start.

This series is designed to help the pastor/preacher, a small group leader or a youth worker teach their way through a Biblical book. It will help you in planning and executing a lesson advising on background, structure, key points and application.


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Harper’s guide to Leviticus is exegetically robust, theologically rich, and full of helpful ideas for contemporary applications. It handles the details well while staying focused on the big picture of Leviticus. [Full Review]