Genesis: A New Commentary
Genesis: A New Commentary

Genesis: A New Commentary

by Meredith G. Kline

5 Rank Score: 5.02 from 1 reviews, 0 featured collections, and 0 user libraries
Pages 174
Publisher Hendrickson
Published 10/1/2016
ISBN-13 9781619708525
Now available for the first time from renowned author, teacher and scholar Meredith G. Kline is a brief never-before-published commentary, Genesis: A New Commentary. This posthumously published commentary on Genesis was written just after the late scholar finished his magnum opus, Kingdom Prologue, and distills his mature views on the book of Genesis and, indeed, on Scripture as a whole.


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Kline’s posthumously published commentary on Genesis distills his mature views on the book of Genesis and its relation to Scripture as a whole. Following an introduction that addresses the canonical function, literary-thematic framework, theological story, and authorship of Genesis, Kline separates the text into ten structural divisions and offers an insightful interpretation of each. [Full Review]