The Gospel according to Moses, Volume 2: A Commentary on Deuteronomy 12–23
The Gospel according to Moses, Volume 2: A Commentary on Deuteronomy 12–23

The Gospel according to Moses, Volume 2: A Commentary on Deuteronomy 12–23

by Daniel I. Block

Pages 432
Publisher Inspirata Publishing
Published 5/25/2024
ISBN-13 978-988-8780-25-9
Forthcoming in Volume 2 (Chapters 12–23), Moses continues with his third address in Deuteronomy 12:1–26:19 and 28:1–29:1 [Heb. 28:69]. Remembering YHWH’s past demonstrations of grace to his people and driven by the watchword, “Righteousness only righteousness you must pursue” (16:20), Israel’s pastor offers more specific guidance on the dimensions of righteousness. Israel will flourish and achieve YHWH’s missional agenda for them when they are faithful to him and his covenant and seek the well-being of others in everyday life.


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