Isaiah 13–27
Isaiah 13–27

Isaiah 13–27

in Concordia Commentary

by Paul R. Raabe

Rank Score: 4.02 from 0 reviews, 0 featured collections, and 1 user libraries
Pages 652
Publisher Concordia Publishing House
Published 11/30/2023
ISBN-13 9780570063643
In a variety of ways, the book of Isaiah proves to be rightly called “the Fifth Gospel.” We hear the voice of Isaiah in chapters 13–27 of his book: his penetrating indictments of the unbridled arrogance of the nations, his terrifying threats of the coming Day of Judgment from the God of hosts, his encouraging promises of the coming Davidic King who will be swift to do righteousness, his promises of Gentiles being drawn to worship the Holy One of Israel, his exhilarating promises of all peoples singing doxology to the God of hosts and rejoicing at the end-time banquet in Zion, and his radical promises of the God of Israel one day swallowing up death itself and raising the dead.


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