1 and 2 Timothy, Titus, and Philemon: Wisdom for Every Church Leader
in New Testament Everyday Bible Study Series
You might not immediately think of yourself as a “leader,” but the apostle Paul likely would. When Paul uses the term leader in a church context he includes anyone who mentors or cares for people into the way of Jesus.
In this volume of the New Testament Everyday Bible Study series, Scot McKnight explores four letters written by Paul to three pastoral leaders—Timothy, Titus, and Philemon—and how they model wise advice for leaders in the churches of Ephesus, Crete, and Colossae.
Throughout the study of these four letters, McKnight reveals important elements of leadership for us today through Paul’s mentoring of these three leaders. The first three letters are commonly referred to as the Pastoral Epistles, as Paul pastors Timothy and Titus on how to lead churches in Ephesus and Crete, and in the fourth letter, Paul pastors Philemon to lead a house church through a challenge.
While these letters are specific to their contexts, they offer timeless wisdom for all sorts of church leaders, from parents and teachers to pastors and business leaders.