Central and Eastern European Bible Commentary
Central and Eastern European Bible Commentary
Non-Western or BIPOC

Central and Eastern European Bible Commentary

by eds. Constantineanu, Corneliu

Rank Score: 4.1 from 0 reviews, 1 featured collections, and 0 user libraries
Pages 1696
Publisher Langham Global Library
Published 2023
ISBN-13 9781783688227
The Central and Eastern European Bible Commentary is a groundbreaking, multi-year work and the first full-Bible commentary to come out of Central and Eastern Europe. The aim of this resource is to provide a contemporary, contextually relevant, church-based commentary written exclusively by biblical scholars from the region. Rooted in scholarship, while also written in clear and accessible language, this commentary will appeal to Christians everywhere.

This resource will help pastors, preachers, teachers and lay leaders to interpret and apply biblical truths in the rapidly changing contexts of their lives and faith communities.


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