The Kingdom of our God: A Theological Commentary on Isaiah
SCM Press
he Book of Isaiah speaks in troubled times. Its message for God’s people Israel stretches across prosperity, loss, disaster and the beginnings of a fresh hope. It is rooted in the events of its time and conveys God’s message about how to be faithful people and how to be a part of God’s people in their time. As Christians try to serve the kingdom in our own time, the Book of Isaiah speaks to us of the need to seek God, to listen and to understand his word. This commentary seeks to explore some of these themes and reflections. It looks to create a space in which Christian readers can think and reflect about what God is calling us to now as we seek to serve the Kingdom of our God. Engaging with critical scholarship but designed to be accessible for those beginning formal theological study or Christians who want to go deeper in their understanding of the book, The Kingdom of Our God demonstrates that the words of the prophets can still speak to us today
This book appears in the following featured collections.
- Commentaries by Female Scholars by John Dyer