Old Testament Commentary Survey (5th ed.)
Old Testament Commentary Survey (5th ed.)

Old Testament Commentary Survey (5th ed.)

by Tremper Longman III

Rank Score: 4.02 from 0 reviews, 0 featured collections, and 1 user libraries
Pages 174
Publisher Baker Academic
Published 4/15/2013
ISBN-13 978-0801039911
Leading Old Testament scholar Tremper Longman III provides students and pastors with expert guidance on choosing a commentary for any book of the Old Testament. The fifth edition has been updated to assess the most recently published commentaries, providing evaluative comments. Longman lists a number of works available for each book of the Old Testament, gives a brief indication of their emphases and viewpoints, and evaluates them. The result is a balanced, sensible guide for those who preach and teach the Old Testament and need help in choosing the best tools.


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