Walking in God’s Wisdom: The Book of Proverbs
Walking in God’s Wisdom: The Book of Proverbs

Walking in God’s Wisdom: The Book of Proverbs

in Transformative Word

by Benjamin T. Quinn

Pages 136
Publisher Lexham Press
Published 6/16/2021
ISBN-13 9781683594796
“Get wisdom, get insight” (Prov 4:5)
The book of Proverbs is an invitation to “get wisdom.” But wisdom isn’t so easily defined or found. Without discernment, we can be swayed by teachers or sayings that sound wise, but true biblical wisdom is rooted in the fear of the Lord.

In Walking with God’s Wisdom, Benjamin T. Quinn calls us to hear and obey God’s wisdom found in Proverbs. These ancient words reveal a way of life exemplified in Jesus Christ. Quinn shows how even the most ordinary aspects of life are packed with importance for wise living before God.


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