God Behind the Scenes: The Book of Esther
God Behind the Scenes: The Book of Esther

God Behind the Scenes: The Book of Esther

in Transformative Word

by Wayne K. Barkhuizen

Pages 128
Publisher Lexham Press
Published 6/7/2016
ISBN-13 9781577996590
Even when it feels like he is absent, God is always at work behind the scenes. Although the book of Esther contains no direct references to God, his fingerprints are found all over it. The book traces the unseen hand of God, working through the lives of his people to deliver them from destruction.

In God Behind the Scenes, Wayne K. Barkhuizen examines the strange yet gripping story of Esther, pointing out how it’s still relevant today. He shows how divine Providence was active in preserving the people through whom the Messiah, Jesus Christ, would one day come.


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