James Verse by Verse
James Verse by Verse

James Verse by Verse

in Osborne New Testament Commentaries

by Grant R. Osborne

Rank Score: 4.02 from 0 reviews, 0 featured collections, and 1 user libraries
Pages 216
Publisher Lexham Press
Published 7/31/2019
ISBN-13 9781683592938
James's letter is famous for its practical wisdom and its heart for gospel transformation reflected in action.

James is like Proverbs in the New Testament—but written as a letter, reflecting the New Covenant of Christ. It advises believers facing cultural challenges in the diaspora how to approach practical issues like trials and suffering, the proper use of the tongue, and poverty and wealth from a worldview shaped by Christ. Stated simply, it teaches believers about living life in God's world by God's rules.

In James Verse by Verse, the late Grant R. Osborne invites readers to delve into this uniquely structured, immensely practical book. James is all about what early Christians called "the Way" and, as such, holds a unique place in the New Testament. This commentary will help modern readers embrace James as a distinctively Christian letter, full of wisdom for everyday life.


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