Commentary on Isaiah and Homilies 1–9 on Isaiah
Commentary on Isaiah and Homilies 1–9 on Isaiah
Special Study

Commentary on Isaiah and Homilies 1–9 on Isaiah

in Ancient Christian Writers

by Origen and Jerome

Rank Score: 4.02 from 0 reviews, 0 featured collections, and 1 user libraries
Pages 1120
Publisher Paulist Press
Published 2/19/2015
ISBN-13 978-08091-0608-0
Jerome is best known as the translator of the Latin Vulgate Bible. In medieval times, Jerome was declared to be one of the four great Doctors of the Latin church. The Council of Trent spoke of him as "the greatest doctor in the explanation of Holy Scripture." Jerome's Commentary on Isaiah is his longest extant work and considered by many to be his magnum opus. Scheck has offered the English speaking world the first translation of this work. The work is heavily indebted to the Greek exegetical tradition, especially Origen

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