Lamentations: An Introduction and Study Guide
Lamentations: An Introduction and Study Guide
Special Study

Lamentations: An Introduction and Study Guide

in Study Guides to the Old Testament (T&T Clark)

by Jill A. Middlemas

Rank Score: 4.1 from 0 reviews, 1 featured collections, and 0 user libraries
Pages 144
Publisher T&T Clark
Published 1/14/2021
ISBN-13 9780567696915
In this guide, Jill Middlemas introduces students to the Book of Lamentations by examining the book's structure and characteristics, covering the latest in biblical scholarship on Lamentations, including historical and interpretive issues, and considering a range of scholarly approaches. In particular, the guide provides students with an introduction to Hebrew poetry as it relates to Lamentations and includes insights from the field of trauma and postcolonial studies.

With suggestions of further reading at the end of each chapter, this guide will be an useful accompaniment to study of Lamentations.


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