1 Samuel 13–26
1 Samuel 13–26
Deutsch / German

1 Samuel 13–26

in Biblischer Kommentar Altes Testament

by Walter Dietrich

Pages 865
Publisher Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht
Published 12/31/2015
ISBN-13 978-3-7887-2920-2
This is the most extensive and thorough commentary on the books of Samuel to date. In addition to the basic literature compiled at the beginning, the special literature is listed before each pericope. An exact translation follows with extensive text-critical annotations (the textual history of the books of Samuel is particularly varied and divergent). Under "Form" a synchronic, ie literary-aesthetic analysis is offered, under "Place" a diachronic analysis that classifies the text (literally) historically. Under "Word" the text is laid out verse by verse, tending to seek answers to all the important questions it raises. In the "Goal" section, the basic and enduring aspects of the text are presented.


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