Reading Luke: A Literary and Theological Commentary
Reading Luke: A Literary and Theological Commentary

Reading Luke: A Literary and Theological Commentary

in Reading the New Testament (2nd Series)

by Andrew E. Arterbury

Pages 246
Publisher Smyth & Helwys
Published 9/10/2019
ISBN-13 978-1-64173-116-4
In this book, Andrew Arterbury seeks to read and expound upon the final form of the Gospel of Luke from both a literary and theological angle. To buttress both endeavors, Arterbury routinely asks how the first readers (or listeners) of Luke’s Gospel likely made sense of both the literary flow of the book as well as the theological convictions it espouses. To ask about the readers Luke first envisioned when he wrote this Gospel is to ask how late first-century Jewish and Gentile Christians, enmeshed in the cultures of the Mediterranean basin, likely responded to Luke’s Gospel—a vivid narrative about the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus, God’s anointed Son, Savior, and prophet.


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