A Feminist Companion to the Catholic Epistles and Hebews
A Feminist Companion to the Catholic Epistles and Hebews

A Feminist Companion to the Catholic Epistles and Hebews

in Feminist Companion to the Bible

by eds. Levine, Amy-Jill

Pages 216
Publisher T&T Clark
Published 1/1/2000
ISBN-13 9780826466822
The eighth volume in this series continues the exploration of women's representations and roles, constructions of gender, and attitudes toward sexuality in the early church. Jim Aageson, Judith Applegate, Warren Carter, Pamela Eisenbaum, Ruth Hoppin, Luke Timothy Johnson, Catherine Clark Kroeger, Magda Missett van de Weg, John Elliott, Betsy Bauman-Martin, and Timothy Cargal tackle a variety of complex issues involving slavery, prostitution, widows, church leadership, suffering, women's agency, and Evangelical responses to the so-called "texts of terror". This volume advances discussion on these often overlooked and misunderstood general letters.


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