Feminist Companion to John: Volume 1
Feminist Companion to John: Volume 1

Feminist Companion to John: Volume 1

in Feminist Companion to the Bible

by eds. Levine, Amy-Jill

Pages 262
Publisher Sheffield Academic Press
Published 1/1/2003
ISBN-13 9780826462558
The first of two volumes devoted to the Johannine literature. The contents include an introduction by the editor, F. Scott Spencer on 'You Just Don't Understand' (Or Do You?): Jesus, Women, and Conversation in the Fourth Gospel; Jennifer Berenson McLean on The Divine Trickster: A Tale of Two Weddings in John; Stephen Moore, Are There Impurities in the Living Water that the Johannine Jesus Dispenses? and Jerome Neyrey, What's Wrong with this Picture? John 4, Cultural Stereotypes of Women, and Public and Private Space.Jane Webster writes on Overcoming Difference: Strange Woman to Samaritan Woman; Mona West on The Raising of Lazarus: A Lesbian Coming Out Story; Holly Toensing on Divine Intervention or Divine Intrusion? Jesus and the Adultress in John's Gospel; and Ingrid Rosa Kitzberger on Transcending Gender Boundaries in John.


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