A Feminist Companion to Ruth and Esther
A Feminist Companion to Ruth and Esther

A Feminist Companion to Ruth and Esther

in Feminist Companion to the Bible

by eds. Brenner, Athalya

Pages 272
Publisher Sheffield Academic Press
Published 4/1/1999
ISBN-13 9781850759782
The second series of Feminist Companions moves beyond the confines of sex- and gender-specific issues and studies of biblical women. Biblical feminist critics now address contemporary life situations, marginalization and a range of questions once not thought accessible to such critique. Feminist theory has also continued a rapid evolution. Among the topics included in this volume are composition, Torah, Ruth-the-Cat, female networking-together with much else to inform and stimulate female (and male) biblical scholars and non-scholars.


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Murray D. Gow Murray D. Gow March 21, 2023
Many women in ministry can be expected to consider some of the questions raised in the Feminist Companions. As a male reviewer, I would say it is particularly important for men who teach and preach the Bible to read and ponder feminist writing, because even today the viewpoint in the pulpit is often far too androcentric. [Full Review]