Genesis 1–11
Genesis 1–11

Genesis 1–11

in Christian Standard Commentary

by Kenneth A. Mathews

4.75 Rank Score: 5.07 from 2 reviews, 1 featured collections, and 1 user libraries
Pages 656
Publisher Holman Reference
Published 6/15/2023
ISBN-13 9781087742045


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Mathews’ exceptionally detailed discussion of the biblical text handles disputed passages with sensitivity. His high view of Scripture is reflected throughout his discussion. An important work for pastors to consult. [Full Review]
Originally released over twenty-five years ago as part of the New American Commentary series (Nashville: Broadman & Holman, 1996), Mathews has reworked his esteemed commentary for a new generation. ... The Christian Standard Commentary (CSC) aims to “embody an ‘ancient-modern’ approach” (p. ix). This involves bringing together careful exegesis, theological insight, and rigorous scholasticism alongside practical relevance and application to the “building up of Christ’s church and the Great Commission to which all are called” (p. xii). One may say that this commentary has thoroughly succeeded! ... many preachers, pastors, Christian ministry leaders, Bible college and seminary students, and (one hopes!) invested laypeople will find this commentary a helpful resource at multiple levels, particularly those unfamiliar with the first edition. [Full Review]