1 Peter (2nd ed.)
in Baker Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament
Baker Academic
In this addition to the award-winning BECNT series, leading evangelical biblical scholar Karen Jobes offers a substantive commentary on 1 Peter. The first edition, widely regarded as one of the leading commentaries on 1 Peter, has sold over 22,000 copies. The second edition takes recent scholarship into account and has been updated and revised throughout.
Jobes's commentary takes a historical-grammatical approach to exegeting 1 Peter. She considers the possibility that the original readers of the letter were actual exiles who had known Peter in some other location, probably Rome. Jobes analyzes each discourse unit of the Greek text with a view toward not only what the letter meant in its original setting but how it speaks to readers today.
As with all BECNT volumes, this commentary features an acclaimed, user-friendly design and admirably achieves the dual aims of the series--academic sophistication with pastoral sensitivity and accessibility--making it a useful tool for pastors, church leaders, students, and teachers.
Jobes's commentary takes a historical-grammatical approach to exegeting 1 Peter. She considers the possibility that the original readers of the letter were actual exiles who had known Peter in some other location, probably Rome. Jobes analyzes each discourse unit of the Greek text with a view toward not only what the letter meant in its original setting but how it speaks to readers today.
As with all BECNT volumes, this commentary features an acclaimed, user-friendly design and admirably achieves the dual aims of the series--academic sophistication with pastoral sensitivity and accessibility--making it a useful tool for pastors, church leaders, students, and teachers.
This book appears in the following featured collections.
- Basic Library Booklist by Detroit Baptist Theological Seminary
- Commentaries by Female Scholars by John Dyer
- Nijay Gupta's Top NT Commentaries by Nijay K. Gupta
- Recommended New Testament Commentaries for Evangelical Pastors by Thomas R. Schreiner
- TGC: Scholarly Commentaries by The Gospel Coalition
Wholeheartedly recommend this and Schreiner!
Excellent commentary on 1 Peter! Jobes brings great exegetical and devotional insights to this oft-forgotten letter. This and Schreiner's are the best!
In the new revised edition of the BECNT commentary on 1 Peter, Karen H. Jobes update and revises one of the leading commentaries on 1 Peter. Jobes provides a credible theory of Peter's relationship to the churches in Asia Minor as well as why he refers to them as "foreigners and resident aliens." 1 Peter is rich with themes that applied to the particular situation the churches in Asia Minor faced as well as Christians throughout church history. Increasing, modern-day Christians are experiencing more persecution which makes 1 Peter more and more relevant and impactful.
"Peter's call to holiness is concerned not only with the religious aspects of one's life but also with one's whole way of life... The call is to live differently, not just practice religion differently. In other words, to 'create a way of life" marked by reverent fear of God."
While keeping much of what made the first edition so well received, Jobes take recent scholarship into account and utilizes the author's translation of passages throughout; among other revisions. Jobes keeps the excursus appendix which analyzes the Greek of 1 Peter to refute the prevalent opinion that the Greek is too good for Peter to have written. Not having read the first addition makes it difficult to identify the various changes from the first edition, but the second edition is well written and impactful on how I view myself when faced with difficulties and hostility. Christians can feel the pull to separate themselves and have nothing to do with the 'sinners' in the world but "Peter exhorts Christians to engage the world as foreigners and resident aliens, having a healthy respect for the society and culture in which they live while at the same time maintaining an appropriate separation from it."
"Suffering for no reason other than being Christian presents the opportunity for the professing Christian to continue to choose allegiance to Christ even when it means that suffering will continue."
Jobes rightly believes in the authorship of Peter. She theorize that the original recipients were Christians that were likely converted in Rome dispersed as part of an expulsion or deportation of Christians to various parts of the Roman empire. Therefore, Peter rightly refers to these Christians as foreigners and resident aliens which applies to future Christians metaphorically. Peter exhorts them to live lives marked by the Gospel while engaging society and submitting to the governing rule whenever possible. Where it is not possible, "the Christian community is to be an alternate society, a Christian colony, so to speak, where believers find brotherly love, compassion, and sympathy."
"First Peter challenges Christians to reexamine our acceptance of society's norms and to be willing to suffer the alienation of being a visiting foreigner in our own culture wherever its values conflict with those of Christ."
Karen H. Jobes (PhD, Westminster Theological Seminary) is Gerald F. Hawthorne Professor of New Testament Greek and Exegesis, Emerita, at Wheaton College and Graduate School. She is the author of several books, including John through Old Testament Eyes, Invitation to the Septuagint, Letters to the Church, and 1, 2, 3 John. She lives in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
"Until Christ returns, the battle between good and evil will persist, and suffering for faith in Christ will be the norm for the Christian calling. The believer shares in what is the common experience of all Christians and is not alone in this."
This commentary presents a right view of Scripture and 1 Peter that compels Christians to orthopraxy in a contentious world. There are parts that are technical and difficult for some Christians but overall, it is very approachable for most. Ideally it is best suited for pastors, church leaders, seminary studies, and bible teachers. Reading it will leave the reader with a renewed desire to live a life marked by Christ while growing more into the identity of a foreigner and resident alien in a hostile world. Our citizenship is found in the kingdom of God first and foremost ushered in by the new birth.
I received a free copy in exchange for my honest review. The opinions I express are my own and I was not required to write a positive review.
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