The Trinity: An Introduction
The Trinity: An Introduction

The Trinity: An Introduction

in Short Studies in Systematic Theology

by Scott R. Swain

5 Rank Score: 5.02 from 1 reviews, 0 featured collections, and 0 user libraries
Pages 160
Publisher Crossway
Published 10/20/2020
ISBN-13 978-1-4335-6121-4
The Trinity is one of the most essential doctrines of the Christian faith.

The eternal God existing as three distinct persons—Father, Son, and Spirit—can be difficult to comprehend. While Christians often struggle to find the right words to describe this union, the Bible gives clarity concerning the triune God’s being and activity in nature (creation), grace (redemption), and glory (reward). In this concise volume, theologian Scott Swain examines the doctrine of the Trinity, presenting its biblical foundations, systematic-theological structure, and practical relevance for the church today.


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BRathbun BRathbun October 11, 2021
Very nice little book. Should be read first by anyone just getting into Trinitarian studies. Read it with James Dolezal's 'All that is in God' for a well rounded and foundational knowledge of classical theism that also speaks to many modern divergents from it.