Exodus 1–10
Exodus 1–10
Exodus 1–10

Exodus 1–18

in International Critical Commentary

by Graham I. Davies

Rank Score: 4.06 from 0 reviews, 0 featured collections, and 3 user libraries
Exodus 1–10
Pages 728
Publisher T&T Clark
Published 1/23/2020
ISBN-13 9780567688682
Exodus 11–18
Pages 632
Publisher T&T Clark
Published 1/23/2020
ISBN-13 9780567688712
Graham I. Davies provides his long-awaited commentary on the second book of the Torah in this in-depth engagement with Exodus chapters 1–18. Davies brings together all the relevant aids to exegesis—linguistic, textual, philological, archaeological, historical, literary, and theological—to help the reader understand the text at hand.

The first volume engages chapters 1–10 of Exodus, which cover the affliction in Egypt and the finding of Moses as well as the plagues of Egypt and Moses' interactions with Pharaoh. Davies plumbs the depths of these well-known texts, bringing out many profound insights into their structure and meaning, and into the history of scholarship.

The second volume takes the reader up to the end of Exodus chapter 18, covering the release of the Israelites from Egypt and the crossing of the Red Sea. In addition to the parting of the waters and the defeat of Pharaoh's army the chapters commented upon also include the so-called 'Song of the Sea' in Exodus 15, a complex hymn that Davies studies in depth, and the provision of manna in the desert. The textual issues are varied and Davies navigates them deftly, providing close commentary and profound insights into these well-known texts.

Two results of Davies's research are to place the old hypothesis of an Elohistic source on a much stronger footing and to reaffirm that both it and the J source extended through both Genesis and Exodus.


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