Systematic Theology
This comprehensive systematic theology by respected theologian Robert Letham covers the whole field of Reformed Christian doctrine from biblical, historical, and theological angles.
Letham begins with God’s ultimate selfrevelation as the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit in indivisible union, continuing on with the works of God in creation, providence, and grace. He draws deeply from Scripture and important voices from the church to provide a clear and concise articulation of the Reformed faith. He also addresses current issues such as feminism, charismatic gifts, sexual ethics, environmentalism, other religions, the nature of truth, and civil liberties. Each chapter is followed by discussion questions, with a glossary of terms included at the end.
This work grounds theological understanding and practice in the life and ministry of the church, accessible to pastors, students, scholars, and anyone who desires to understand, believe, and live scriptural doctrine more fully.
An excellent and refreshed Systematic Theology from a Reformed perspective, heartily recommended for those with little to no theological understanding. Pastors shall find it a valuable resource, while it proves most fitting for MDiv students embarking upon their first course in theology.