1 Peter: A Commentary
1 Peter: A Commentary

1 Peter: A Commentary

by Craig S. Keener

3.5 Rank Score: 3.6 from 1 reviews, 0 featured collections, and 4 user libraries
Pages 608
Publisher Baker Academic
Published 6/15/2021
ISBN-13 9781540962867
Leading New Testament scholar Craig Keener, one of the most trusted exegetes working today, is widely respected for his thorough research, sound judgments, and knowledge of ancient sources. His four-volume magnum opus on Acts has received high praise from all quarters. This commentary on 1 Peter features Keener's meticulous and comprehensive research and offers a wealth of fresh insights. It will benefit students, pastors, and church leaders alike.


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Zach Olson Zach Olson January 31, 2024
This commentary provides good historical and cultural background to 1 Peter. It is a bit lacking in pastoral reflections and applications, yet it is still an overall good commentary. Perhaps more suited for academic work overall.