in Baker Commentary on the Old Testament
Baker Academic
Highly regarded Old Testament scholar John Goldingay offers a substantive and useful commentary on Hosea through Micah and explores the contemporary significance of these prophetic books. This volume, the first in a new series on the Prophets, complements the successful Baker Commentary on the Old Testament: Wisdom and Psalms series (series volumes have sold over 55,000 copies). Each series volume is both critically engaged and sensitive to the theological contributions of the text.
An impressively readable commentary on a chunk of the Minor Prophets. Goldingay balances clarity and intrigue, and lets what some might call the weirder and harsher elements of the texts speak well.
Those familiar with Goldingay’s approach will find much to appreciate here. He side-steps many distracting critical issues in order to focus on what the final form of the Hebrew text is saying, and is admirably gun-shy when it comes to correcting the Masoretic scribes’ homework. While written from a Christian perspective, his natural reflex is to hear the theology of the First Testament rather than filter everything through NT theology.
The Interpretation is solid, often drawing from Andersen and Freedman’s golden commentary or perhaps a choice Karl Barth quote. The theological reflection was helpful and informative if sometimes a little muted in its creative sizzle.
The ‘minor prophets’ seldom receive the attention they deserve, and so I am grateful for another quality Christian commentary on these six distinctive voices within the prophetic tradition of the First Testament.
[Full Review]