Non-Western or BIPOC


in Asia Bible Commentary

by Mitchel Modine

Rank Score: 4.14 from 0 reviews, 1 featured collections, and 2 user libraries
Pages 216
Publisher Asia Theological Association
Published 5/6/2018
ISBN-13 9781783684144
The book of Numbers is a misunderstood book of the Bible. It is about a lot more than just numbers. Rather, it is about the people’s journey with God in the desert. The Hebrew title of the book, Bammidbar, means “In the Desert” indicating that the setting is the most important part of the story. The God who delivered his people from Egypt is the same God who will lead them through the wilderness and give them the Promised Land. But as the book of Numbers shows us, often it is through the experience of being in a desert that God fulfils his purpose. It is the same thing for God’s people today. This commentary opens up the value of this often overlooked Old Testament book to those who find themselves or their churches in a barren place but with the presence of the Lord alongside them.


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