John 11–21: A Handbook on the Greek New Testament
John 11–21: A Handbook on the Greek New Testament

John 11–21: A Handbook on the Greek New Testament

in Baylor Handbook on the Greek New Testament

by Lidija Novakovic

Rank Score: 4.1 from 0 reviews, 1 featured collections, and 0 user libraries
Pages 430
Publisher Baylor University Press
Published 3/24/2020
ISBN-13 9781481312141
In  John 1–10 and John 11–21 Lidija Novakovic provides a foundational analysis of the Greek text of John. The analysis is distinguished by the detailed yet comprehensive attention paid to the text. Novakovic’s analysis is a convenient pedagogical and reference tool that explains the form and syntax of the biblical text, offers guidance for deciding between competing semantic analyses, engages important text-critical debates, and addresses questions relating to the Greek text that are frequently overlooked or ignored by standard commentaries. Beyond serving as a succinct and accessible analytic key,  John 1–10 and John 11–21 also reflect the most up-to-date advances in scholarship on Greek grammar and linguistics. These handbooks prove themselves indispensable tools for anyone committed to a deep reading of the biblical text.


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