A Commentary on Romans
A Commentary on Romans

A Commentary on Romans

in Kregel Exegetical Library

by John D. Harvey

Rank Score: 4.02 from 0 reviews, 0 featured collections, and 1 user libraries
Pages 400
Publisher Kregel Academic
Published 11/6/2019
ISBN-13 9780825442100
This volume in the Kregel Exegetical Library combines up-to-date scholarship and concrete application to serve as an ideal guide for preaching and teaching the foundational New Testament book of Romans. After an in-depth introduction that surveys the book's key elements, reception history, literary devices, and current scholarly debates, John D. Harvey provides a thorough explanation of every verse of Romans followed by theological insights and hands-on takeaways. Readers will benefit from Harvey's approach, which asks and answers three questions about each verse: (1) What did Paul say? (2) Why did he say it? (3) What should I do with it? Outlines and summaries provide useful homiletical and pedagogical tools, while footnotes point to resources for further study.


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