Special Study


in Lexham Research Commentary

by Derek R. Brown

Rank Score: 4.02 from 0 reviews, 0 featured collections, and 1 user libraries
Publisher Lexham Press
Published 11/7/2014
Paul’s letter to the Romans is regarded not only as his most significant writing, but as one of the most important writings in the history of the Christian faith. The righteousness of God takes center stage in Paul’s letter to Rome. Paul declares that the gospel makes possible salvation for every person who believes in the salvific life and death of Christ.

The Lexham Research Commentary is your starting point for study and research. Each volume gives you the tools you need to find answers quickly. This commentary is designed to do all the dirty work of searching through commentaries, journal articles, and monographs to find the information you need, saving you valuable time by curating all of the best literature in one place—it’s a commentary on the commentaries. The annotated notes on the various viewpoints and interpretive options within the text allow you to quickly synthesize a broad range of views on a particular passage. Dense, jargon-filled research is distilled into easy-to-understand comments. As you critically study the text, the contextual notes help you place the passage within the narrow context of the biblical book and the broader context of the entire canon.


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