God's Relational Presence: The Cohesive Center of Biblical Theology
God's Relational Presence: The Cohesive Center of Biblical Theology

God's Relational Presence: The Cohesive Center of Biblical Theology

by J. Scott Duvall and J. Daniel Hays

Pages 743
Publisher Baker Academic
Published 11/19/2019
ISBN-13 9780801049590
Two leading biblical scholars and bestselling authors offer a fresh approach to the question of the unity of the whole Bible. This book shows that God's desire to be with his people is a thread running from Genesis through Revelation. Duvall and Hays make the case that God's relational presence is central to the Bible's grand narrative. It is the cohesive center that drives the whole biblical story and ties together other important biblical themes, such as covenant, kingdom, glory, and salvation history.

  • Contents
  • Introduction
  • 1. The Relational Presence of God in the Pentateuch
  • 2. The Relational Presence of God in the Historical Books, Psalms, and the Wisdom Books
  • 3. The Relational Presence of God in the Prophets
  • 4. The Relational Presence of God in Matthew, Mark, and Luke-Acts
  • 5. The Relational Presence of God in Paul's Letters and in Hebrews and the General Letters
  • 6. The Relational Presence of God in John's Gospel, Epistles, and Apocalypse
  • Conclusion
  • Indexes


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