Dangerous Calling: Confronting The Unique Challenges Of Pastoral Ministry
Dangerous Calling: Confronting The Unique Challenges Of Pastoral Ministry

Dangerous Calling: Confronting The Unique Challenges Of Pastoral Ministry

by Paul David Tripp

5 Rank Score: 5.06 from 1 reviews, 0 featured collections, and 2 user libraries
Pages 224
Publisher IVP Books
Published 11/16/2012
ISBN-13 9781844746026
Paul David Tripp is concerned about the state of pastoral culture. He is not only concerned about the spiritual life of the pastor, but with the very people who train him, call him, relate to him and, if necessary, restore him. Dangerous Calling reveals the truth that the culture surrounding our pastors is spiritually unhealthy – an environment that actively undermines the wellbeing and efficacy of our church leaders and thus the entire church body. This book offers both diagnosis and cure for issues that impact on every member and church leader, and gives solid strategies for fighting the war that rages not only in the momentous moments of ministry, but also in the mundane day-by-day life of every pastor.


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BRathbun BRathbun December 18, 2020
Reading this book is like having open heart surgery awake. All men should read this book