1 Kings 12–22
1 Kings 12–22

1 Kings 12–22

in Concordia Commentary

by Walter A. Maier III

Rank Score: 4.02 from 0 reviews, 0 featured collections, and 1 user libraries
Pages 752
Publisher Concordia Publishing House
Published 7/1/2019
ISBN-13 9780758659224
The Book of Kings is a history, written in a selective manner, for the sake of theology. Primarily covering more than 380 years of the history of Israel and its monarchy, from the last part of David’s rule to the end of the kingship in Judah, the book of Kings also emphasizes prophets. Despite this concentration, the main subject of this body of literature is still God. This history presents God—the holy, righteous, just, merciful, compassionate, gracious omnipotent, and omniscient Deity—in relationship with Israel.

This second and final commentary on the Book of 1 Kings, covering chapters 12 through 22, details the end of the united kingdom and the start of the divided monarchy, including the reigns of kings in both the northern and southern kingdoms.


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