James the Just, Ya’akov Hatzaddik, Presents Applications of Torah
James the Just, Ya’akov Hatzaddik, Presents Applications of Torah

James the Just, Ya’akov Hatzaddik, Presents Applications of Torah

in A Messianic Commentary

by David Friedman and B. D. Friedman

Rank Score: 4.02 from 0 reviews, 0 featured collections, and 1 user libraries
Pages 115
Publisher Lederer/Messianic Jewish Publishers
Published 7/15/2012
ISBN-13 9781936716449
Yeshua`s Brother & Chief Rabbi of the Messianic Jewish Community James the Just (Ya`Akov HaTzaddik) Presents Applications of Torah By Dr. David Friedman with B.D. Friedman When we view Ya’acov (James) for who he was: a chief rabbi, a Torah scholar, a Bible commentator, and akin to a high court judge, then we can better understand the purpose of his book. One of the main thrusts of Ya’acov’s teaching is encouraging the practical application of the Torah’s teachings.


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