The Pastor’s Library: An Annotated Bibliography of Biblical and Theological Resources for Ministry
The Pastor’s Library: An Annotated Bibliography of Biblical and Theological Resources for Ministry

The Pastor’s Library: An Annotated Bibliography of Biblical and Theological Resources for Ministry

by Robert A. Yost

Rank Score: 4.1 from 0 reviews, 1 featured collections, and 0 user libraries
Pages 388
Publisher Wipf & Stock
Published 9/21/2017
ISBN-13 9781532600982
In the spirit of Cyril Barber’s classic work from the 1970s, The Minister’s Library, Robert Yost provides students and pastors with expert guidance on building a working ministerial library. From Old and New Testament languages, lexical aids, and grammatical tools, to commentaries and theologies as well as pastoral resources, Yost is a trustworthy guide through the multiplicity of books that seem to just keep rolling off the presses. Far more than just a guide to commentaries as are so many works today, this resource is a balanced pastoral tool for pastors and students who are overwhelmed by the proliferation of literature in the fields of biblical and pastoral studies.


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