What is it that the Scripture Says? Essays in Biblical Interpretation, Translation, and Reception in Honour of Henry Wansbrough OSB
in Library of New Testament Studies
T&T Clark
This volume of essays by distinguished international scholars celebrates and pays tribute to the multifarious contributions to the study of scripture that Henry Wansbrough OSB has made over the last 50 years, in a number of wide-ranging contexts, but most notably as General Editor of the New Jerusalem Bible. The essays answer the title's question in three inter-related areas: interpretation, translation and reception. Wansbrough's academic career has been focused in Oxford where he was Master of St Benet's Hall.Involved in many inter-religious and ecumenical dialogues, he is also a longstanding member of the Pontifical Biblical Commission, founded to foster and guide biblical studies. For much of his time on the commission he worked under Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, now Pope Benedict XVI. Finally, as a monk of Ampleforth Abbey, Wansbrough has played a crucial role in scriptural studies for many generations of members of religious communities in the UK and abroad.
- Table of Contents
- List of Illustrations
- Acknowledgments
- Forward - Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O'Connor
- Preface
- List of Abbreviations
- Notes on Contributors
- Introduction
- Part I - Interpretation
- Ark as sign of God's absent presence in Solomon's Temple : 1 Kings 8.6-8 in the Hebrew and Greek Bibles - Adrian Schenker, UniversitT de Fribourg
- Ancestral Advocacy and Dynastic Dynamics in the Book of Kings - Francesca Stavrakopoulou, Pembroke College, Oxford
- Power and powerlessness in the Psalms - Susan Gillingham, Worcester College, Oxford
- Must Philistia carry on wailing? The enduring message of a prophetic oracle addressed to a hostile nation (Isa. 14.29-32) - Willem A.M. Beuken, Katholieke Universiteit
- Rock on rocky ground : Matthew, Mark and Peter as skandalon - Mark Goodacre, University of Birmingham, UK
- Part II - Translation
- Crudités à la Anglaise: on the translation of indelicacy in the Book of Wisdom - Michael Tait, Pontificio Istituto Biblico, Rome
- Making sense of Romans - John Muddiman, Mansfield College, Oxford
- The Problematic Reception of Pistij in Rom 12:3, 6 - Albert Vanhoye, Pontificio Istituto Biblico
- The Cultural Background and Challenges of La Bible de Jerusalem - Olivier-Thomas Venard, Cole Biblique et ArchTologique, Jerusalem
- Traduttore traditore? The Translator as Interpreter - Nicholas King, Campion Hall, Oxford
- Bede, the Bible, and the North - Benedicta Ward, Harris Manchester College, Oxford
- Prayer and the Bible in Twelfth-Century England - Henry Mayr-Harting, Christ Church, Oxford
- Scripture and Tradition in Newman's Essay on the Development of Christian Doctrine - Wulstan Peterburs, Ampleforth Abbey, York
- Sir Peter le Page Renouf on Bible and Church - Kevin J. Cathcart, University College, Dublin
- Karl Barth Lectures on the Gospel of John - John Webster, University of Aberdeen
- On the Unity of Scripture and Tradition: an Orthodox Approach - Kallistos Ware, Bishop of Diokleia
- Two Types of Harmonization - John Barton, Oriel College
- Living Tradition - James D.G. Dunn, University of Durham, UK
- Part IV - Biography and Bibliography
- In a Few Words - Henry Wansbrough OSB - Monk, Scholar and Wordsmith - Julian Borthwick
- A Bibliography of Works by Henry Wansbr
- Index of References
- Index of Authors
Inner Books
This physical volume has several internal sections, each of which has been reviewed independently
- Ark as sign of God's absent presence in Solomon's Temple : 1 Kings 8.6-8 in the Hebrew and Greek Bibles by Adrian Schenker
- Ancestral Advocacy and Dynastic Dynamics in the Book of Kings by Francesca Stavrakopoulou
- Power and powerlessness in the Psalms by Susan Gillingham
- Must Philistia carry on wailing? The enduring message of a prophetic oracle addressed to a hostile nation (Isa. 14.29-32) by Willem A. M. Beuken
- Rock on rocky ground : Matthew, Mark and Peter as skandalon by Mark Goodacre
- <i>Crudités à la Anglaise</i>: on the translation of indelicacy in the Book of Wisdom by Michael Tait
- Making sense of Romans by John Muddiman
- The Problematic Reception of Pistij in Rom 12:3, 6 by Albert Vanhoye
- The Cultural Background and Challenges of La Bible de Jerusalem by Olivier-Thomas Venard
- <i>Traduttore traditore?</i> The Translator as Interpreter by Nicholas King
- Bede, the Bible, and the North by Benedicta Ward
- Prayer and the Bible in Twelfth-Century England by Henry Mayr-Harting
- Scripture and Tradition in Newman's Essay on the Development of Christian Doctrine by Wulstan Peterburs
- Sir Peter le Page Renouf on Bible and Church by Kevin J. Cathcart
- Karl Barth Lectures on the Gospel of John by John Webster
- On the Unity of Scripture and Tradition: an Orthodox Approach by Kallistos Ware
- Two Types of Harmonization by John Barton
- Living Tradition by James D. G. Dunn
- In a Few Words - Henry Wansbrough OSB - Monk, Scholar and Wordsmith by Julian Borthwick