Biblical Interpretation in Early Christian Gospels: Volume 2: The Gospel of Matthew
in Library of New Testament Studies
T&T Clark
The second title in a proposed five-volume work; volume two, following on from the volume on Mark's Gospel, concentrates on Matthew's Gospel. Contributors consider the function of embedded scripture texts in the context of the Gospels written and read/heard in their early Christian settings. The project is wide ranging, with essays on the function of scripture in the compositional history of the gospels and the collection is broad in scope as a result of current interest in the integration of methods (especially historical and narrative ones).
Advancements over the last 20 years in the study of genre and narrative criticism have left a void in the study of the function of embedded biblical texts in the Gospels. This collection of essays will move the study of scripture within scripture forwards.
Advancements over the last 20 years in the study of genre and narrative criticism have left a void in the study of the function of embedded biblical texts in the Gospels. This collection of essays will move the study of scripture within scripture forwards.
- Table of contents
- Preface
- Abbreviations
- List of Contributors
- Introduction
- 1. Myth Theory, Comparison, and Embedded Scripture Texts: Ibn Ish\aq's Biography of Muh\ammad and the Mythologizing Function of Isaiah 7.14 in Matthew 1.23. - M. Anthony Apodaca
- 2. Love as Societal Vision and Counter-Imperial Practice in Matthew 22.34-40 - Warren Carter
- 3. Matthew's Earliest Interpreter: Justin Martyr on Matthew's Fulfillment Quotations - J.R.C. Cousland
- 4. 'The Book of the Genesis of Jesus Christ' The Purpose of Matthew in Light of the Incipit - Craig A. Evans
- 5. Mark, Elijah, the Baptist and Matthew: The Success of the First Intertextual Reading of Mark - Mark Goodacre
- 6. Reading Zechariah and Matthew's Olivet Discourse - Clay Alan Ham
- 7. From History to Myth and Back Again: The Historicizing Function of Scripture in Matthew 2 - Thomas R. Hatina
- 8 . Plotting Jesus: Characterization, Identity, and the Voice of God in Matthew's Gospel - Michael P. Knowles
- 9. The King as Shepherd: the Role of Deutero-Zechariah in Matthew - John Nolland
- 10. Matthew's Atomistic Use of Scripture: Messianic Interpretation of Isaiah 53.4 in Matthew 8.17 - Lidija Novakovic
- 11. Scribal Methods in Matthew and Mishnah Abot -Lawrence M. Wills
- 12. Matthew's Intertexts and the Presentation of Jesus as Healer-Messiah - Andries G. van Aarde
- Bibliography
- Index of References
- Index of Authors
Inner Books
This physical volume has several internal sections, each of which has been reviewed independently
- Myth Theory, Comparison, and Embedded Scripture Texts: Ibn Ish\aq's Biography of Muh\ammad and the Mythologizing Function of Isaiah 7.14 in Matthew 1.23. by Michael J. Anthony
- Love as Societal Vision and Counter-Imperial Practice in Matthew 22.34-40 by Warren Carter
- Matthew's Earliest Interpreter: Justin Martyr on Matthew's Fulfillment Quotations by J. R. C. Cousland
- 'The Book of the Genesis of Jesus Christ' The Purpose of Matthew in Light of the Incipit by Craig A. Evans
- Mark, Elijah, the Baptist and Matthew: The Success of the First Intertextual Reading of Mark by Mark Goodacre
- Reading Zechariah and Matthew's Olivet Discourse by Clay Alan Ham
- From History to Myth and Back Again: The Historicizing Function of Scripture in Matthew 2 by Thomas R. Hatina
- Plotting Jesus: Characterization, Identity, and the Voice of God in Matthew's Gospel by Michael P. Knowles
- The King as Shepherd: the Role of Deutero-Zechariah in Matthew by John Nolland
- Matthew's Atomistic Use of Scripture: Messianic Interpretation of Isaiah 53.4 in Matthew 8.17 by Lidija Novakovic
- Scribal Methods in Matthew and Mishnah Abot by Lawrence M. Wills
- Matthew's Intertexts and the Presentation of Jesus as Healer-Messiah by Andries G. van Aarde