Colossians & Philemon For You
Colossians & Philemon For You

Colossians & Philemon For You

in God's Word For You

by Mark Meynell

Rank Score: 4.04 from 0 reviews, 0 featured collections, and 2 user libraries
Pages 208
Publisher The Good Book Company
Published 9/1/2018
ISBN-13 9781784982935
Peace. Provision. Forgiveness. These are basic human needs. Yet who can truly be relied upon to deliver them?

In his letter to the Colossians, Paul shows how these can never come to us through political, philosophical, mystical or religious systems. They only come through Jesus Christ, who is the visible image of the invisible God.

Mark Meynell unpacks Colossians and Philemon, verse by verse in this expository guide which can be used as a daily devotional or for studying this letter in your church. It will excite ordinary Christians in their faith, equip teachers and preachers in their work, and help us all to root our confidence in the right place.

  • Contents
  • 1. A New Friendship 1:1-14
  • 2. Christ the Universal 1:15-20
  • 3. The Cosmic, Reconciled 1:21-27
  • 4. The Slog of Gospel Ministry 1:28 – 2:5
  • 5. Rooted not Deceived 2:6-15
  • 6. Escape the Shadows 2:16-23
  • 7. A New Address 3:1-14
  • 8. Redeemed Community Life 3:15 – 4:1
  • 9. Prayer and Gospel Partnership 4:2-28
  • 10. Philemon: The Chained Prisoner and the Runaway Slave


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