Ephesians For You
Ephesians For You

Ephesians For You

in God's Word For You

by Richard Coekin

Rank Score: 4.02 from 0 reviews, 0 featured collections, and 1 user libraries
Pages 224
Publisher The Good Book Company
Published 6/26/2015
ISBN-13 9781910307649
In a world where Christianity seems increasingly sidelined and even irrelevant, we need to grasp the truths of this faith-affirming, life-changing letter. Ephesians For You helps readers see how being "in Christ" changes everything—our view of ourselves, our world, our future, our church, homes and workplaces.

Richard Coekin, author of A Few Good Men and Our Father, brings his trademark clear teaching and challenging application to every page.

Use accompanying Ephesians Good Book Guide in small group Bible studies.

  • Contents
  • Introduction
  • 1. In him
  • 2. A lesson in prayer
  • 3. Once dead, now raised up
  • 4. The only real peace
  • 5. Mystery revealed
  • 6. Grasping the dimensions of divine love
  • 7. Working for unity
  • 8. The difference faith makes
  • 9. Sex life
  • 10. Married life
  • 11. Home and work life
  • 12. Wear God's armour
  • Glossary
  • Bibliography


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