God’s Time For Us: Barth on the Reconciliation of Eternity and Time in Jesus Christ
God’s Time For Us: Barth on the Reconciliation of Eternity and Time in Jesus Christ

God’s Time For Us: Barth on the Reconciliation of Eternity and Time in Jesus Christ

in Studies in Historical and Systematic Theology

by James J. Cassidy

Pages 186
Publisher Lexham Press
Published 1/1/2016
ISBN-13 9781577997481
What is the relationship between eternity and time? God inhabits eternity, but he has entered time to be with his creatures. How does he bring these two together?

According to James J. Cassidy, Karl Barth provides a thoroughly non-speculative approach to this question of how eternity and time relate. Contrary to abstract and philosophical approaches to the question, at the heart of Barth’s answer stands the person of Jesus Christ. In Christ, God has time for us.

In God’s Time for Us, Cassidy explores Barth's system as a whole, addressing it through the concepts of eternity and time. In so doing, he provides a study that will not only advance discussion of Barth's view of eternity and time but also bring clarity to Barth’s entire theological system, both those aspects that are attractive and those that may be problematic. This book will be of interest to pastors, theologians, and Barth scholars who want to explore what Barth has to contribute on this important subject.

  • Table of contents
  • Eternity and Time in the Theology of Karl Barth
  • The Doctrine of God in Barth’s Conception of Eternity and Time
  • The Doctrine of Creation in Barth’s Conception of Eternity and Time
  • The Doctrine of Reconciliation in Barth’s Conception of Eternity and Time
  • The Doctrine of Revelation in Barth’s Conception of Eternity and Time


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