The Function of Scripture in Early Jewish and Christian Tradition
in Library of New Testament Studies
T&T Clark
The studies that make up this book explore in what ways Israel's sacred tradition developed into canonical scripture and in what ways this sacred tradition was interpreted in early Judaism and Christianity. This collection will stimulate continuing investigation into the growth and interpretation of scripture in the context of the Jewish and Christian communities of faith, and will serve well as a reader for graduate courses with its focus on early exegesis and intertextuality.
- Contents
- Preface
- Abbreviations
- List of Contributors
- Introduction
- Part 1 - Formation of Sacred Tradition in the First Temple Period
- Incredulity, faith, and textual purposes: post-biblical responses to the laughter of Abraham and Sarah - Elaine A. Phillips
- Lot in Sodom: the post-mortem of a city and the afterlife of a biblical text - Judith H. Newman
- Abraham and Sarah: literary text and the rhetorics of reflection - Paul Borgman
- Singular prophet and ideals of Torah: Miriam, Aaron, and Moses in early rabbinic texts - Elaine A. Phillips
- Isaianic midrash and the Exodus - George Wesley Buchanan
- Part 2 - Biblical Interpretation in the Second Temple Period
- Nehemiah 9 and the scripturalization of prayer in the Second Temple period - Judith H. Newman
- Decalogue in early Judaism and Christianity - Richard A. Freund
- Retelling of the Song at the Sea in Wisdom 10.20-21 - Peter Enns
- Family as scriptural and social construct in Tobit - Will Soll
- More complete Semitic background for bar-enasha, 'Son of Man' - Randall Buth
- Vilification of Jehoiakim (a.k.a. Eliakim and Joiakim) in early Judaism - Steve Delamarter
- Part 3 - Interpretation in the Rabbinic and Patristic Period
- Sanctification of the (Divine) name: Targum Neofiti's 'Translation' of Genesis 39.25-26 - Esther M. Menn
- Hannah's later songs: a study in comparative methods of interpretation - Joan E. Cook
- What does Ruth have to do with Rahab? Midrash Ruth Rabbah and the Matthean genealogy of Jesus - Larry L. Lyke
- Telios Amonos: the influence of Palestinian Jewish exegesis on the interpretation of Exodus 12.5 in Origen's Peri Pascha - Ruth Anne Clements
- Paul and the Persian sage: some observations on Aphrahat's use of the Pauline Corpus - Stephen S. Taylor
- Index of References
- Index of Authors
- Copyright
Inner Books
This physical volume has several internal sections, each of which has been reviewed independently
- Incredulity, faith, and textual purposes: post-biblical responses to the laughter of Abraham and Sarah by Elaine A. Phillips
- Lot in Sodom: the post-mortem of a city and the afterlife of a biblical text by Judith H. Newman
- Abraham and Sarah: literary text and the rhetorics of reflection by Paul Borgman
- Singular prophet and ideals of Torah: Miriam, Aaron, and Moses in early rabbinic texts by Elaine A. Phillips
- Isaianic midrash and the Exodus by George Wesley Buchanan
- Nehemiah 9 and the scripturalization of prayer in the Second Temple period by Judith H. Newman
- Decalogue in early Judaism and Christianity by Richard A. Freund
- Retelling of the Song at the Sea in Wisdom 10.20-21 by Peter Enns
- Family as scriptural and social construct in Tobit by Will Soll
- More complete Semitic background for bar-enasha, 'Son of Man' by Randall Buth
- Vilification of Jehoiakim (a.k.a. Eliakim and Joiakim) in early Judaism by Steve Delamarter
- Sanctification of the (Divine) name: Targum Neofiti's 'Translation' of Genesis 39.25-26 by Esther M. Menn
- Hannah's later songs: a study in comparative methods of interpretation by Joan E. Cook
- What does Ruth have to do with Rahab? Midrash Ruth Rabbah and the Matthean genealogy of Jesus by Larry L. Lyke
- Telios Amonos: the influence of Palestinian Jewish exegesis on the interpretation of Exodus 12.5 in Origen's Peri Pascha by Ruth Anne Clements
- Paul and the Persian sage: some observations on Aphrahat's use of the Pauline Corpus by Stephen S. Taylor