Revelation and the End of All Things
Revelation and the End of All Things

Revelation and the End of All Things

by Craig R. Koester

5 Rank Score: 5.18 from 1 reviews, 1 featured collections, and 3 user libraries
Pages 226
Publisher Eerdmans
Published 10/5/2018
ISBN-13 9780802875785
Since its first publication in 2001, Revelation and the End of All Things has been a highly readable guide to one of the most challenging books in the Bible. Engaging the questions people most frequently ask about Revelation and sensationalistic scenarios about the end of the world, Craig Koester takes his readers through the entirety of Revelation, offering perspectives that are clear and compelling.

In the second edition Koester provides new insights from recent scholarship and responses to the latest popular apocalyptic voices. Study questions make this new edition ideal for use in classrooms and study groups. Revelation and the End of All Things offers an accessible, engaging, and profoundly hopeful interpretation for students and general readers alike.


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AndrewKlein46 AndrewKlein46 August 25, 2023
The book of Revelation has been put through much in the past decades. Most churchgoers are afraid to even touch the book because of many years of terrible interpretation that encourage fear and political speculation. Koester counteracts this, by using levelheaded and accessible scholarship to illuminate even the most obscure parts of John's Apocalypse. An absolute must-have for anyone who has even thought about studying Revelation.