Rhetoric, Scripture and Theology: Essays from the 1994 Pretoria Conference
Rhetoric, Scripture and Theology: Essays from the 1994 Pretoria Conference

Rhetoric, Scripture and Theology: Essays from the 1994 Pretoria Conference

in Library of New Testament Studies

by Phil J. Botha, Johannes N. Vorster, Elisabeth Schüssler Fiorenza, Pieter F. Craffert, Bruce J. Malina, H. J. Bernard Combrink, Jeffrey L. Staley, Richard Lemmer, J. P. H. Wessels, Benoît Standaert, Gerrie Snyman, Yehoshua Gitay, Kota Yamada, James D. Hester, Elna Mouton, Thomas H. Olbricht, Lauri Thurén, Paul Germond, Philippe-Joseph Salazar, D. P. Goosen, and Dirk J. Smit

Pages 444
Publisher T&T Clark
Published 9/1/1996
ISBN-13 9781850756071
Rhetoric, Scripture and Theology aptly describe the contents of this collection of essays from the 1994 Pretoria Rhetoric Conference. The conference marked a significant dialogue among scholars gathered from many nations to consider how rhetoric engages with the study of scripture and theology. South Africa provided a suitable context for such discussion. Although the contributors are not only from South Africa, the addressing of issues pertinent to a South African context shows through in many of the essays. Those that do not address particularly South African issues raise equally important issues regarding the topic of rhetoric and its relation to contemporary theological discourse.

  • Editors' preface - Stanley E. Porter; Thomas H. Olbricht
  • Abbreviations
  • List of Contributors
  • Introduction - Pieter J.J. Botha, Johannes N. Vorster
  • Part I Rhetorical Method And Scriptural Interpretation
    • Challenging the rhetorical half-turn : feminist and rhetorical biblical criticism - Elisabeth Schüssler Fiorenza
    • Reading and divine sanction : the ethics of interpreting the New Tetament in the new South Africa - Pieter F. Craffert
    • Rhetorical criticism and social-scientific criticism : why won't romanticism leave us alone? - Bruce J. Malina
    • The rhetoric of sacred scripture - H.J. Bernard Combrink
    • The father of lies: autobiographical acts in recent biblical criticism and contemporary literary theory - Jeffrey L. Staley
    • Why should the possibility of rabbinic rhetorical elements in Pauline writings (e.g. Galatians) be reconsidered? - Richard Lemmer
  • Part II Rhetoric And Scripture
    • 'Postmodern' rhetoric and the former prophetic literature - J.P.H. Wessels
    • Adonai Shalom (Judges 6-9) : the persuasive means of a narrative and the strategies of inculturation of Yahawism in a new context - Benoît Standaert
    • Who is responsible for Uzzah's death? : rhetoric in 1 Chronicles 13 - Gerrie Snyman
    • The realm of prophetic rhetoric - Yehoshua Gitay
    • A rhetorical history : the literary genre of the Acts of the Apostles - Kota Yamada
    • The invention of 1 Thessalonians : a proposal - James D. Hester
    • The communicative power of the Epistle to the Ephesians - Elna Mouton
    • The stoicheia and the rhetoric of Colossians : then and now - Thomas H. Olbricht
    • Style never goes out of fashion : 2 Peter re-evaluated - Lauri Thurén
  • Part III Rhetoric And Theology
    • A rhetoric of gender in early Christianity : sex and salvation in the Acts of Thomas - Paul Germond
    • Beyond apologetics : mythology, rhetoric and the other in early eighteenth-century France - Philippe-Joseph Salazar
    • The rhetoric of the scapegoat : a deconstructive view on postmodern hermeneutics - D.P. Goosen
    • Theology as rhetoric? or: guess who's coming to dinner - Dirk J. Smit
  • Index of References
  • Index of Authors
  • Copyright

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