The Bible, Gender, and Reception History: The Case of Job's Wife
The Bible, Gender, and Reception History: The Case of Job's Wife

The Bible, Gender, and Reception History: The Case of Job's Wife

in Scriptural Traces

by Katherine Low

Pages 240
Publisher T&T Clark
Published 10/24/2013
ISBN-13 9780567239211
The Bible, Gender, and Reception History: The Case of Job's Wife investigates the fleeting appearance in the Bible of Job's wife and its impact on the imaginations of readers throughout history.

It begins by presenting key interpretive gaps in the biblical text concerning Job and his wife, explaining the way gender studies offers guiding principles with which the author engages a reception history of their marriage. After analyzing Job and his wife within medieval Christian theology of Eden, the author identifies ways in which Job's wife visually aligns with medieval images of Satan. The volume explores portrayals of Job and his wife in publications on marriage and gender roles in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, moving onto an investigation of William Blake's sharp artistic divergence from the common tradition in his representation of Job's wife as a shrew. In the exploration of societal portrayals of Job and his Wife throughout history, this book discovers how arguments about marriage intertwine with not only gender roles, but also, with political, social, and historical movements.

  • Table of contents
  • Introduction
  • 1.Eden's Dunghill and the Wife's Deviant Speech
  • 2. The Troublesome Trip of Job, His Wife, and Satan in Medieval Art
  • 3. Satan's Disappearance and Job's Wife as Renaissance Shrew
  • 4. Job's Wife's Place in the Woman Question, Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries
  • 5. William Blake's Sublime Job and Job's Wife as Emanation
  • 6. Conclusion
  • Bibliography


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