

in Wisdom Commentary Series

by Elisabeth Schüssler Fiorenza

2 Rank Score: 2.12 from 1 reviews, 1 featured collections, and 0 user libraries
Pages 232
Publisher Liturgical Press
Published 10/20/2017
ISBN-13 9780814681749
Ephesians is a "mystery" text that seeks to make known the multifarious Wisdom of G*d. At its heart is the question of power. In this commentary, Elisabeth Schüssler Fiorenza examines the political understandings of ekklesia and household in Ephesians as well as the roles that such understandings have played in the formation of early Christian communities and that still shape such communities today. By paying close attention to the function of androcentric biblical language within Ephesians, Schüssler Fiorenza engages in a critical feminist emancipatory approach to biblical interpretation that calls for conscientization and change, that is, for the sake of wo/men's salvation or wellbeing.


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Neil Short Neil Short December 13, 2022
I was not impressed with this commentary. The author just accepts that the writer of Ephesians is a chauvinist pig and is dismissive of the writer's authority for the church and for modern Christians. I think a better interpretive approach is to show that the writer's attitude about women is historically misunderstood by the church. This commentary is the first that I read in the series. I hope that all the others have a higher view of Scripture and that the commentary on Ephesians is an outlier.