Reading Proverbs Intertextually
in Library of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament Studies
T&T Clark
Sitting alongside the partner volumes Reading Job Intertextually (2012) and Reading Ecclesiastes Intertextually (2014) also published in the Library of Hebrew and Old testament Studies, this addition to the series continues the study of intertextuality in the Hebrew Bible. Dell and Kynes provide the first comprehensive treatment of intertextuality in Proverbs. Topics addressed include the intertextual resonances between Proverbs, and texts across the Hebrew canon, as well as texts throughout history, from the Dead Sea Scrolls to African and Chinese proverbial literature. The contributions, though comprehensive, do not provide clear-cut answers, but rather invite further study into connections between Proverbs and external texts, highlighting ideas and issues in relation to the extra texts discussed themselves.
The volume gathers together scholars with specific expertise on the array of texts that intersect with Proverbs and these scholars in turn bring their own insights to the texts at hand. In particular the contributors have been encouraged to pursue the intertextual approach that best suits their topic, thereby offering readers a valuable collection of intertextual case studies that address a single biblical book.
The volume gathers together scholars with specific expertise on the array of texts that intersect with Proverbs and these scholars in turn bring their own insights to the texts at hand. In particular the contributors have been encouraged to pursue the intertextual approach that best suits their topic, thereby offering readers a valuable collection of intertextual case studies that address a single biblical book.
- Table of contents
- Preface
- Acknowledgements
- Abbreviations
- 1. Introduction - Katharine J. Dell and Will Kynes
- Part One: Proverbs in Dialogue with the Hebrew Bible
- 2. Genesis - Christine Yoder - Columbia Theological Seminary, USA
- 3. Deuteronomy - Bernd Schipper – Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany
- 4. Isaiah - John Goldingay – Fuller Theological Seminary, USA
- 5. Lament Psalms - William Brown - Columbia Theological Seminary, USA
- 6. Wisdom Psalms - Will Kynes - Whitworth University, USA
- 7. Job - Scott Jones - Covenant College, USA
- 8. Proverbs - Mark Sneed - Lubbock Christian University, USA
- 9. Ruth - Katharine Dell – University of Cambridge, UK
- 10. esheth hayil - Walter Moberly – University of Durham, UK
- 11. Song of Songs - Anselm Hagedorn – Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany
- 12. Ecclesiastes - Markus Saur – University of Kiel, Germany
- Part Two: Proverbs in Dialogue with Texts Throughout History
- 13. Egyptian Instruction - Stuart Weeks – University of Durham, UK
- 14. Ben Sira - P. C. Beentjes – Tilburg University, Netherlands
- 15. Sentences of Sextus - Danielle Pevarello - Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
- 16. Dead Sea Scrolls - William Tooman – University of St. Andrews, UK
- 17. New Testament - Knut Heim - Trinity College Bristol, UK
- 18. Dead Sea Scrolls - Matthew Goff - Florida State University, USA
- 19. New Testament - Craig Bartholomew - Redeemer University College, Canada
- 20. Patristic Interpretation - Susannah Ticciati - Kings College London, UK
- 21. Rabbinic Interpretation - Susan Niditch – Amherst University, USA
- 22. Chinese Proverbs - Christopher Hancock - Oxford House, UK
- 23. African Proverbs - Funlola Olojede and Madipoane J. Masenya – Stellenbosch University, South Africa
- Bibliography
- Indexes
Inner Books
This physical volume has several internal sections, each of which has been reviewed independently
- Introduction by Katharine J. Dell and Will Kynes
- Lament Psalms by William P. Brown
- Wisdom Psalms by Will Kynes
- Egyptian Instruction by Stuart Weeks
- Ben Sira by Pancratius C. Beentjes
- Sentences of Sextus by Danielle Pevarello
- Dead Sea Scrolls by William A. Tooman
- New Testament by Knut Martin Heim
- Dead Sea Scrolls by Matthew J. Goff
- Chinese Proverbs by Christopher Hancock
- Genesis by Christine Roy Yoder
- Deuteronomy by Bernd Ulrich Schipper
- Isaiah by John Goldingay
- Job by Scott C. Jones
- Proverbs by Mark Sneed
- Ruth by Katharine J. Dell
- esheth hayil by R. W. L. Moberly
- Song of Songs by Anselm C. Hagedorn
- Ecclesiastes by Markus Saur
- New Testament by Craig G. Bartholomew
- Patristic Interpretation by Susannah Ticciati
- Rabbinic Interpretation by Susan Niditch
- African Proverbs by Funlola Olojede and Madipoane J. Masenya